
ICL Experience

I have poor eyesight and wear contact lenses every day...

"It's just so annoying!!!"

So I had an ICL.

I am now free from the daily hassle of wearing contact lenses and enjoying a comfortable life.

I can't say there are only benefits,
We hope you will also take a look at the last section, "Things I was concerned about after ICL surgery."

ICL Surgery Procedure

Notebook used: 100 things to do list

What was introduced in the note

Shinagawa Myopia Clinic website

Notification memo app

Concerns after ICL surgery

After ICL surgery, make a list of things that you dislike or that bother you.

It's pretty hard to put in eye drops

You may need to apply eye drops multiple times a day.

The maximum would have been 5 times a day x 3 types of eye drops = 15 times.

Recently, there are also useful apps (e.g. notification memo),
It is possible to prevent forgetting to insert it, but it was a hassle.

Halo glare phenomenon

A month after the surgery it was "almost" gone.

However, it is only "almost" the same, and even now, three months after the surgery, I still feel a little strange when looking at light.

Immediately after surgery Even the lighting in the room feels strange
1 to 3 months after surgery

I feel something strange when I look at the sun or at street lights at night.

Discomfort when looking at something close up

When looking at something close up, the edges appear black and it feels like your field of vision is narrowed.

It feels a little strange, I guess.

When I asked a doctor at the hospital, he said that it is unavoidable because the eye is focused on distant objects.

I haven't seen much information about this online, so maybe it's just me who feels this way, but I hope this is helpful.

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